Impresario: Publications & Essays
Artists' Estates | Publications | Curatorial
by Paul Boden with additional essays by Art Hazelwood and Bob Prentice
Published by Freedom Voices, San Francisco, CA,
108 pages, 67 images, ISBN 978-0-915117-24-6, $30.00
Artists: Sandow Birk, Robert Curet, Joseph DeNeri, Francisco Dominguez, Eric Drooker, Ronnie Goodman, Ed Gould, Christine Hanlon, Art Hazelwood, Dorothea Lange, Allison Lum, Tom McCarthy, Malcolm McClay, Eliza Miller, Doug Minkler, Maxx Newman, Jos Sances, Tony Taliaferro, Jane “in Vain” Winkelman, Nili Yosha
Artist Collectives: Paula, Jennifer and John from Odiorne Wilde Narraway and Partners, San Francisco Print Collective, Sit/Lie Posse, Seeing Words Design
Including historical essays 1991 - 2014
A review of House Keys, Not Handcuffs, July 10, 2015 by Paul Von Blum on
House Keys Not Handcuffs
The best way to both get the book and help out in the struggle for the rights of homeless people is to buy the book directly from the Western Regional Advocacy Project. You can also get other WRAP merchandise including posters and t-shirts. In fact all of your social justice shopping is right there for you.