


Artist: Gaceta Callejera

Artist Books & Portfolios | Prints | Political Posters | Painting | Exhibitions

Gaceta Callejera

In 2013 Patrick Piazza and Art Hazelwood started printing Jose Guadalupe Posada inspired street posters on the 100th anniversary of his death. These Gaceta Callejera, "Street Gazette", were focused on the eviction explosion in San Francisco. Gaceta Callejera were originally meant as a one sheet newspaper broadside about a horrifying or spectacular event. We continue this tradition handing out the broadsides for free as they are printed on the street. Some limited number are available afterwards. 

Pandemonium | Dia de los Muertos | Gaceta Callejera | Prints

San Francisco Eviction Fiesta

These broadsides repurpose a border, masthead, and other elements that were used in prints by Posada.

Art Hazelwood printing the first of the series of Posada inspired
posters in front of Radio Habana in November of 2013.

America, Open for Business
Gaceta Callejera #43, America Open For Business

The Republican Party only knows one trick. After 9/11 they did the same thing… open for business, that’s all that matters. The puppet show is repeated, but this time standing behind the money bags is another more grim character.
Four Riders of the Apocalypse, Covid, Capitalism, Climate Chaos, Cronyism
Gaceta Callejera #44, Four Riders of the Apocalypse
A fine mix of forces appears on the horizon in the form of the four C’s of the apocalypse, Climate Chaos hovering over all, Capitalism on its perpetual destructo tractor, Covid the newest form of plague and Cronyism taking as its incarnation the GOP Elephant.
Calaveras de Disney
Cancion de Maria
Calaveras del Beisbol
The Great Sinkhole of 2017
Posada Underfoot

Black Lives Matter
Gaceta Callejera #46, Black Lives Matter
Double Issue for Juneteenth 2020. Generations of struggle lead up to this moment and generations of hatred stand ready to block true justice.
Stop Trump
Business as Usual
Tower of Babel 2.0
I saw the best minds of my generation...
Fourth Extinction
Burning down the House

The Tipping pointGaceta Callejera #45, The Tipping Point
Double Issue for Juneteenth 2020. Generations of struggle lead up to this moment and generations of hatred stand ready to block true justice.
Horrifying Event
Trump Farrell
The Same Horse
Save the Preachers
Eviction Times
Mutiny Radio hosted an exhibition in their space and a radio program. You can listen below to Patrick Piazza and many guests as they are interivewed by DJ Balkan Vulcan

Boom: A Journal of California
printed a series of these posters in Vol. 4 No. 2 Summer 2014

Pandemonium | Dia de los Muertos |Gaceta Callejera | Prints